

About the Project

The andean secret

With more than 7 specialty coffees, new products and a latent export market, Galletti required an
adjustment of its visual system to compete in a global market.


2 Brand design

3Visual identification systems design

4 Brand manual

4Digital Implementation


LUPWI is the first lupine or Andean lupine drink in the world, a superfood loaded with vegetable protein to complement and nourish your daily diet, created by an Ecuadorian company with B certification, which generates social, environmental and economic impact, respecting the practices sustainable ancestral agriculture for the creation of healthy and delicious food. A high-impact product undoubtedly deserved a high-impact packaging, for LUPWI we work on a typographic brand with slight Andean features, a harmonious floating composition of the ingredients to give it flavor, accompanied by Andean textures and an effective communication of its main attributes through circular elements created as part of the visual system, in addition to the creation of key messages to reinforce its characteristics and subsequent recycling of the glass container.


For LUPWI we worked on a typographic brand with slight Andean features, a harmonious floating composition of the ingredients to give it flavor, accompanied by Andean textures and an effective communication of its main attributes through circular elements created as part of the visual system, in addition to the creation of key messages to reinforce its characteristics and subsequent recycling of the glass container.

Quito - Ecuador


(+593) 098 410 9526

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Jaque Business Consultants
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